Be careful what you wish for... that's what I've always told myself. I still try... but in the face of a shitty job with okay money and a bad learning environment (other than learning how to get revenge on bitchy Administrative Assistants that give you no face though YOU ARE the Project Coordinator), there is nothing here for me in this job. On certain days I look at myself and think: This job has killed my ambition. I don't have the drive I used to. I used to love work, love life, love fun... but in the past couple of months I realized... that 1: money is not everything; 2: refer back to #1. Why was a career so important? Because the money is good? Because I will get that billion dollar house? Money does not mean happiness. I've had someone tell me this over and over again since I graduated... and yes, you are right (though I know you do not read this blog), I'm still admitting it. I don't want to come home all aggrivated and take it out on my family. I also don't want to be anti-social, or drink all the time b/c I just want to forget about the crap that happens at work and knock myself out...
I want a career... but I want someone to share it with. I want to be near my family and friends... but still, I want to go thru with my rebellious streak and still travel around the world. But if it means not seeing them every six months, it's not worth it.
I want a career... but I want someone to share it with. I want to be near my family and friends... but still, I want to go thru with my rebellious streak and still travel around the world. But if it means not seeing them every six months, it's not worth it.