Chasing dreams, not diamond rings

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Another crazy AWESOME weekend....

Every weekend seems to be better than the last... how interesting is that?! lol. Well, drunkie-mcdrunk is reporting about her weekend here on her blog. Let's start off with Friday. Fridayyy... I went downtown after work to see Farah (ex FSCO HR Bitch) and we just relaxed and what not, got some dinner and then got her friends who came from Hamilton to party. Lincoln came to join us shortly after and we predrank and went to the Distrikt. It was a really empty bar- let me tell u, I will not be going back :P The music was all dancey and there was not enough hip-hop, R&B or reggae- well at least I've been once :P [But I was very very drunk] We went back to Farah's rez and the next day I woke up at 8 AM to get ready for the wedding that was taking place at 2. I got to Union station and all that, got onto the train to get to Ajax and got there by around 10. It was crazy early, and my friends Dee and Laura came to get me with Kailey's dad (bride). We went and did a couple errands, got the hall set up and then went to the hotel to get ready for the ceremony.

Dee, Laura and I went together and the ceremony was short and sweet. Kailey looked INCREDIBLE. They looked so happy (though nervous) and they had the funniest kiss ever. They rarely show affection in public so it was really hard for them to kiss without looking awkward (Devin looked sloppy... hahahaha and Kailey's married to him hahahaha!) The 3 of us jetted out of there shortly and went to do some quick errands, went back to the hotel and then went to the reception hall. Everything looked amazing! The tables were all set up and all we had to do was put balloons up. There was punch and cheese for munching on and around 6, the dinner started. They served a fantastic salad, fettucini alfredo, chicken w/ tomato sauce, veggies & potatoes... and these amazing ice cream crepes for dessert. ... now... did I mention that it was an OPEN BAR??? Kailey and her dad did the traditional dance with one another, there were speeches and it was all a very beautiful wedding. They started taking requests for music and it was great- they even played BETTER music than what they played at Distrikt the night before ! Hahaha how ironic, eh?! BEST Song played: "Don't cha (wish ur girlfriend was HOT like me)"... lol I had a great time.. met some of Kailey's other uni friends and we all danced the night away. It was sooo bad though, I had about 10 screwdrivers and when I heard that the reason why the dj wasn't playing our songs [apparently he was trying to be all PG-13 on us when all the old folks had gone home anyway] I went up there and batted my eyes (this trick actually works, kids). So there was some Busta Rhymes, some Sean Paul in there :P We REALLY celebrated the wedding. and hahahahaha the best part was when we were all trying to go home... we had 6 people and we SQUISHED into the cab... 1 person in front, 3 sitting in the back and 2 lying right across. hahaha I was one of the ones lying right across and I couldn't STOP LAUGHING for the life of me. It was the most hilarious situation ever and we even took pictures to show for it. When we got to the motel, LAURA FELL OUT of the cab... it was SOOO funny. Mel went in there trying to look all sober and I fell to the floor laughing. We all made up upstairs and Dee, Laura and I got into our rooms and just laughed SOOO HARD for a good 10 mins. We visited the girls downstairs and then went to bed.

1st Lesson: Do not show off ur leg in response to someone who hiked their skirt up ... b/c the father of the bride is watching.....

2nd lesson: Buy a DRESS for the wedding... so u don't panic 2 days before a wedding about what to wear...

3rd Lesson: If u want to keep dancing at a PG13 level, do not have alcohol at ur wedding.

Link & Jules!!!

Farah & I...!!!

The Thumbnail used online for Distrikt's website hahahaha!


Their very very cute wedding cake!

Kailey... she looked GORGEOUS, eh???

Best pic of the night... Ohhh Collleeen... lol!!!

Not so PG 13....

Oh the Taxi Ride back...


  • At 12:04 AM , Blogger Meesh said...

    Jules you look FABULOUS!! I'm glad you had such a great wknd - boo to Distrikt sucking!! The wedding sounds wicked, whooo open bar!! Miss you tons!!

  • At 2:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Wow jules what a weekend!! It sounds like you had a great time!! YAY!!
    Talk to you soon

  • At 5:33 PM , Blogger Princess Jules said...

    U love it when I have fun, FAi !!! lol u live Vicariously thru me!!!!!!!

    Remember to have an open bar at ur wedding.

  • At 5:43 PM , Blogger Princess Jules said...

    keiii... open bar weddings are for everyoneeee :) It's not like there'd be kids around to see !


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