It's funny how revelations about life hit you when you really don't expect it. So many things have happened in the past 5 days, it's hard to recount! But here it is:
Thursday: Overtime @ work, then went home and packed for Waterloo. We were in Stinky-town (as my sister calls it) by 8pm. Had some dinner and then Todd and I went for coffee at William's/McDonald's. It was nice hanging out with him.
Friday: CONVOCATION 2006!!! Me = Grad! (can you believe I still talk like this at my age?) Anyways, 7am I was up getting ready. Lilly came to get me around 8:15 and we went on campus and got our gowns. Then we went to the Memorial Arena and got ready for the ceremony. It started a bit after 10 o'clock and we were done by 11:30! It was amazing! Nice and sweet. Bob Rae is Laurier's chancellor, so he gave a short speech. Afterwards I got pics with friends and family. Todd came and bought me red roses; it was a really sweet act that I truly appreciated. My family and I headed back to campus for the reception. I saw some profs, got some more pics and of course, picked up my diploma. It was beautiful. For once I looked at the Schelgel Building (business building) with new eyes and saw how beautiful it was... even felt a little pride! lol. My fam went to Benny's for lunch and then we went back to my brother's place. Everyone went to bed so Todd and I went to see X3. It was a good movie! I went home and had dinner with the fam and played Starwars Monopoly until I passed out from exhaustion, next to the board.
Saturday: Went home and had a PIG ROAST at Walid's. This pig was gigantic and it was really cool to do something different. There was a Keg too and of course, I was gone after 2 cups... (30 minutes). I had water the rest of the night. Matt and his cousin Suzanna were hilarious! Both were so drunk; and both fell (I have pics to prove it). I went to Tim's after with Lauren, Danielle, Ryan and Kelly after to sober up before heading home.
Sunday: RAGING SHOPPAHOLIC MAKES A COMEBACK... yes, Julia went shopping at Markville Mall and bought everything... that was black.
Monday: HELL DAY at work. Some crap went down and I got blamed (50% not my fault), but whatever, what's done is done. I was angry for the whole day, but I went home and worked out so it made me feel better. I went to bed exhausted from working out, which was just the way I liked it cuz that meant that I would go to bed STRAIGHT away and think no more! :)
Tuesday: Things got better. In fact, I'm at work right now blogging to you all. I've been running around trying to drop off things for different directors for their meetings tomorrow. My colleagues actually treated my manager and I for lunch at Milestone's. It was my manager's birthday yesterday and they were congratulating me on my convocation. It was funny because one of them heard that I was graduating and was like, "What? From high school???!" lol. WOW.
Anyways,... all in all, a crazy 5 days. I've come to realize that once you tread down a path, there is no turning back. You start believing in what it is that you are doing and all the doubts that you faced in the past dissipate. People change faster than you think; all you can do is be true to yourself and do what you think is right for you.
Thursday: Overtime @ work, then went home and packed for Waterloo. We were in Stinky-town (as my sister calls it) by 8pm. Had some dinner and then Todd and I went for coffee at William's/McDonald's. It was nice hanging out with him.
Friday: CONVOCATION 2006!!! Me = Grad! (can you believe I still talk like this at my age?) Anyways, 7am I was up getting ready. Lilly came to get me around 8:15 and we went on campus and got our gowns. Then we went to the Memorial Arena and got ready for the ceremony. It started a bit after 10 o'clock and we were done by 11:30! It was amazing! Nice and sweet. Bob Rae is Laurier's chancellor, so he gave a short speech. Afterwards I got pics with friends and family. Todd came and bought me red roses; it was a really sweet act that I truly appreciated. My family and I headed back to campus for the reception. I saw some profs, got some more pics and of course, picked up my diploma. It was beautiful. For once I looked at the Schelgel Building (business building) with new eyes and saw how beautiful it was... even felt a little pride! lol. My fam went to Benny's for lunch and then we went back to my brother's place. Everyone went to bed so Todd and I went to see X3. It was a good movie! I went home and had dinner with the fam and played Starwars Monopoly until I passed out from exhaustion, next to the board.
Saturday: Went home and had a PIG ROAST at Walid's. This pig was gigantic and it was really cool to do something different. There was a Keg too and of course, I was gone after 2 cups... (30 minutes). I had water the rest of the night. Matt and his cousin Suzanna were hilarious! Both were so drunk; and both fell (I have pics to prove it). I went to Tim's after with Lauren, Danielle, Ryan and Kelly after to sober up before heading home.
Sunday: RAGING SHOPPAHOLIC MAKES A COMEBACK... yes, Julia went shopping at Markville Mall and bought everything... that was black.
Monday: HELL DAY at work. Some crap went down and I got blamed (50% not my fault), but whatever, what's done is done. I was angry for the whole day, but I went home and worked out so it made me feel better. I went to bed exhausted from working out, which was just the way I liked it cuz that meant that I would go to bed STRAIGHT away and think no more! :)
Tuesday: Things got better. In fact, I'm at work right now blogging to you all. I've been running around trying to drop off things for different directors for their meetings tomorrow. My colleagues actually treated my manager and I for lunch at Milestone's. It was my manager's birthday yesterday and they were congratulating me on my convocation. It was funny because one of them heard that I was graduating and was like, "What? From high school???!" lol. WOW.
Anyways,... all in all, a crazy 5 days. I've come to realize that once you tread down a path, there is no turning back. You start believing in what it is that you are doing and all the doubts that you faced in the past dissipate. People change faster than you think; all you can do is be true to yourself and do what you think is right for you.
At 12:24 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hey Jules
YAY bloging at work!! too bad I will be away and not be able to check on my daily basis, but I will still check it and I hope you check ours. Don't worry, you will be so busy with work and family that you won't even notice that we are gone. but know that I will miss you
E-mail us to keep us posted on your life!
Miss you already but see you tonight!!
Love ya
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