This weekend started off w/... a puke! LOL... Thurs nite was Fed nite w/ Nat and b/c she was taking so long I just decided to start w/out her at my place. I went over there half hammered and then finished my drink before her friend came to pick us up. There was no line, so it was awesome... but we left really early cuz Nat's friend got arrested :O Long story, but anyway, I just finished my last drink (I had very very many) and Nat came around saying she had to leave. So I left w/ her obviously and then went to her house. Her toilet was my best friend for a while... and then she drove me home. I LOVE NAT. Not just cuz she took care of me, but b/c she's a really great friend.
The next morning I got up in time for the bus but I felt... really bad. So b4 I left for the bus I was friends w/ my toilet and then headed home to see Momo! He came to Toronto again, and I was sooo happy to see him. Sam got woken up by her 2 favourite ppl (Momo & I) and I saw her on webcam. That sleepy head was sooooo cute... :) I then took Momo to the Pickle Barrel, Grand- it was really nice (I wish I brought my camera). We went walking around Eaton's Centre and bought a present for his friend Sandy... it was her birthday! :D I picked out this shirt that I really liked for her and I got one too. It's beigey/white and it says in gold: "I love men"... but the "n" is crossed out. It's great! :D
I had to say goodbye around 1:30 tho :( and went back uptown. The whole fam was home so it was wicked! We had a great family dinner. Just such great food cooked by my own Iron Chef Mom! I was sooo tired at the end of the nite (seeing that I only slept for 3 hours the nite before) and passed out in the living room after playing a fishy game w/ my mom, dad & brother. I really sucked at it. The fish kept on spinning around and sometimes u couldnt' fish them cuz they didn't close their mouths ever... *sighs*. Overall, I was just dizzy!
The next day I saw Matt for sushi. I missed it SO! We sat there for 3 hours, chatted and then I went home to go shopping w/ my mom and sister. We went to Markville and found a nice spring jacket for my sister (I picked it out, thankyouverymuch!). I wanted sunglasses but couldn't find ones that I was comfy w/. I want the thick rimmed ones this year. Went to Home Depot to meet my bro and dad. My dad wants to change the patio doors so we had to go and get the doors. (he's installing them himself... o_o)
Had dinner @ a GREAT chinese restaurant by Apple Creek and Woodbine afterwards... It was sooooo GOOD I don't think I've had such good Chinese food that was not cooked by my mom for a LONG time. After we got home I left to go play pool w/ the boys. Matt, Ryan & Walid were out that nite and it was great! I suck at pool (apparently we're all rusty) so it was fun! Ended up @ Congee Wong.. lol lol. These boys know what good food is!
Today was good too. Got back to KW at a decent time, had time to do the practice for the dance I was performing in my hip hop class. Nat and I went thru it a couple times @ her place and then I ran home for food. The dance rehearsal started at 7, and the real thing was at 8. The place was JAM PACKED. Todd, my brother, Cindy, her friend & Nat's friends were all there... They said it looked good, and I felt ok since I was hiding behind everyone hahahaha! My brother was impressed. He's like, WHAT? she learned a routine??? lol lol!!! Overall tho, the show was amazing. The instructors did a dance @ the end and they were just all SO good. The advanced hip hop class was amazing too. WE totally got schooled by them, but at least I was in the beginner's one and I tried! :D
Going to go and procrastinate... and think about studying. LOL! Hope u all had a great weekend urself.
The next morning I got up in time for the bus but I felt... really bad. So b4 I left for the bus I was friends w/ my toilet and then headed home to see Momo! He came to Toronto again, and I was sooo happy to see him. Sam got woken up by her 2 favourite ppl (Momo & I) and I saw her on webcam. That sleepy head was sooooo cute... :) I then took Momo to the Pickle Barrel, Grand- it was really nice (I wish I brought my camera). We went walking around Eaton's Centre and bought a present for his friend Sandy... it was her birthday! :D I picked out this shirt that I really liked for her and I got one too. It's beigey/white and it says in gold: "I love men"... but the "n" is crossed out. It's great! :D
I had to say goodbye around 1:30 tho :( and went back uptown. The whole fam was home so it was wicked! We had a great family dinner. Just such great food cooked by my own Iron Chef Mom! I was sooo tired at the end of the nite (seeing that I only slept for 3 hours the nite before) and passed out in the living room after playing a fishy game w/ my mom, dad & brother. I really sucked at it. The fish kept on spinning around and sometimes u couldnt' fish them cuz they didn't close their mouths ever... *sighs*. Overall, I was just dizzy!
The next day I saw Matt for sushi. I missed it SO! We sat there for 3 hours, chatted and then I went home to go shopping w/ my mom and sister. We went to Markville and found a nice spring jacket for my sister (I picked it out, thankyouverymuch!). I wanted sunglasses but couldn't find ones that I was comfy w/. I want the thick rimmed ones this year. Went to Home Depot to meet my bro and dad. My dad wants to change the patio doors so we had to go and get the doors. (he's installing them himself... o_o)
Had dinner @ a GREAT chinese restaurant by Apple Creek and Woodbine afterwards... It was sooooo GOOD I don't think I've had such good Chinese food that was not cooked by my mom for a LONG time. After we got home I left to go play pool w/ the boys. Matt, Ryan & Walid were out that nite and it was great! I suck at pool (apparently we're all rusty) so it was fun! Ended up @ Congee Wong.. lol lol. These boys know what good food is!
Today was good too. Got back to KW at a decent time, had time to do the practice for the dance I was performing in my hip hop class. Nat and I went thru it a couple times @ her place and then I ran home for food. The dance rehearsal started at 7, and the real thing was at 8. The place was JAM PACKED. Todd, my brother, Cindy, her friend & Nat's friends were all there... They said it looked good, and I felt ok since I was hiding behind everyone hahahaha! My brother was impressed. He's like, WHAT? she learned a routine??? lol lol!!! Overall tho, the show was amazing. The instructors did a dance @ the end and they were just all SO good. The advanced hip hop class was amazing too. WE totally got schooled by them, but at least I was in the beginner's one and I tried! :D
Going to go and procrastinate... and think about studying. LOL! Hope u all had a great weekend urself.
At 12:17 AM ,
Meesh said...
Well my little hip-hop Dancing Queen, glad to hear you had a well-deserved fun time! You sound like ur smiling :o) Don't forget to send me pics of ur dance-off asap, and does your mom like dinner guests? B/c when I get home I'm gonna want nuthin but some serious home-cookin and ur mom's Chinese food sounds mmm mmm good! (not too big on the Chinese food down here; got Thai and Japanese goin on tho)
tty you soon!!
At 6:45 AM ,
Princess Jules said...
Hi Meesh!!!!! LOL... of course u can come for dinner :D I'll get pics soon I promise. U can't really see much cuz we were so far away, but u'll get to see the formation of the dance & stuff :)
Hugs, hope u're doing well!
At 7:17 AM ,
Anonymous said...
I want to come to dinner too!!! and see pics! You were a busy little bee!! and I'm happy that at least you were near some friendly toilets! hahah
Miss ya
At 1:54 PM ,
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